Thursday, March 6, 2014

Time Management...HELP!

As some of my readers may know, I have started working two jobs in the last three weeks.  This is on top of my regular duties of homeschooling, being a mom, cleaning a house, and doing the majority of the other errands that are needed.  One job is only 2 hours a week.  That I can handle; I send the boys to their great grandmother's house and they have a blast searching for treasure, peanuts, or whatever creative games that she creates.  I get to go teach little guys how to play sports and help them expel a ton of energy.  Awesome, right?

The next job puts me back to nights.  My hours vary anywhere from 12-30 hours per week, 3-6 days per week, depending on what is needed.  And this is where I am becoming stumped.  I did not realize just how much I accomplished at night, until I started working nights again.  Laundry folded?  Nope. Not happening.  Dishes being done so I can wake up to a clean kitchen? 9:30 pm.  Prepping for the next day's school work?  Yes, at 10:30 pm.

We also had a developmental appointment with Pierce's pediatrician on Wednesday morning, and he strongly believes that if Pierce goes back to napping, even for just an hour per day, that he will curb a lot of the severe tantrums and other issues we are having.  That's fine - I understand it.  But now I am losing a precious hour with him.  And honestly, this week, I have been napping with both the kids for an hour.

So how do you guys do it?  I know Dan is just as overwhelmed as me; he picks the boys up from my job and then brings them home, cooks dinner, does bath, and then tries as hard as he can to get them to bed.  And have I mentioned that he is picking up as much overtime as he can too?

I need to figure something out before I go insane.  So here I am, begging my amazing readers to help me.  Please provide me some insight and time management tips.  Please!


  1. Yikes. I wish I could help but I am NOT good at this sort of thing. As you know I don't work and yet my dishes are still sitting there unclean, toys everywhere, laundry not even washed! So I feel your pain. I've heard about a weekly schedule to do certain cleanings certain days but the every day stuff like dishes, curriculum plans etc I am stumped on :( Good luck!

    1. Thank you! Somebody else had suggested I sit down and create a weekly cleaning schedule. find the time to do that! Here is to us momma's sticking together and figuring this out! :)
